Winback your lost trial leads with an offer on Facebook
Winback your lost trial leads with an offer on Facebook

Winback your lost trial leads with an offer on Facebook

Don't forget about your free trial leads that didn't upgrade. Retarget them on Facebook with a special offer to persuade them to come back and convert!

Try GrowthLoop
Facebook Ads
with your customer data.

How it Works


Convert lost trial leads to new customers by targeting them with an exclusive winback campaign on Facebook.

How you do it

  1. Setup your Data Warehouse as a Source in GrowthLoop
  2. Setup your customers table from Data Warehouse
  3. Activate Facebook Ads as a destination
  4. Create an audience in GrowthLoop
  5. Select leads that signed up for a trial but did not convert
  6. Export to Facebook Ads
  7. Navigate to Facebook Audience Manager. Your audience will take 2-4 hours to fully populate.
  8. Your audience will continue to load to Facebook Ads every day with updates.
  9. Create a Facebook Ad product ad campaign to engage these leads with the right offers.
How to Guide

See how leading companies use Flywheel for this use case.

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Winback your lost trial leads with an offer on Facebook

Don't forget about your free trial leads that didn't upgrade. Retarget them on Facebook with a special offer to persuade them to come back and convert!

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Why implement this use case?

Give a summary of the justification behind this use case — why is it helpful/why should a team consider adding it to their marketing flow?

Goal of this use case

Convert lost trial leads to new customers by targeting them with an exclusive winback campaign on Facebook.

Tools and platforms you need


Data Source

Data source, such as a cloud data warehouse like BigQuery, Snowflake, or Redshift.


Data Activation

Data activation tool, such as a composable CDP (like GrowthLoop).


Ad Platform Destination

Ad platform destination, such as Google Ads, Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, Bing ads, etc.

Data sources you need

List the data sources needed for this particular use case (such as ticket purchases, memberships, etc.)




How to set up this use case in GrowthLoop

Step 1

Link your DV369 account to GrowthLoop to share audience lists (GrowthLoop needs to be listed as a partner account in DV360).

Step 2

Add DV360 as a destination in your GrowthLoop dashboard.

Step 3

Create an audience in GrowthLoop from your organization’s single source of truth data in your cloud data warehouse.

Step 4

Find the audience you want to use and export that audience to DV360.

Step 5

Select your campaign type, export schedule (how often you want the audience to export), and personalization fields.

Step 6

Export the audience to DV360. After that, DV360 will match the synced audience to their database and create a list. In your DV360 dashboard, you’ll be able to select this new list when building campaigns.

Step 7

Link your DV369 account to GrowthLoop to share audience lists (GrowthLoop needs to be listed as a partner account in DV360).

Step 8

Add DV360 as a destination in your GrowthLoop dashboard.

Step 9

Create an audience in GrowthLoop from your organization’s single source of truth data in your cloud data warehouse.

Step 10

Find the audience you want to use and export that audience to DV360.

Step 11

Select your campaign type, export schedule (how often you want the audience to export), and personalization fields.

Step 12

Export the audience to DV360. After that, DV360 will match the synced audience to their database and create a list. In your DV360 dashboard, you’ll be able to select this new list when building campaigns.

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