Adobe Experience Platform
Connect GrowthLoop to your Adobe Experience Platform instance to curate personalized, cross-channel experiences for your customers.
How GrowthLoop and
Adobe Experience Platform
Audience Experience Platform
Export audiences from your data warehouse to Audience Experience Platform to facilitate personalized, cross-channel experiences for your customers.
Why use GrowthLoop and Audience Experience Platform
Send customer lists from your data warehouse to Audience Experience Platform in one click and always keep them in sync. Facilitate personalized, cross-channel experiences for your customers.
How it works
- Create an audience in GrowthLoop.
- Every 15 minutes, we'll generate an updated version of your customer list and send it to Audience Experience Platform.
- At the same time, GrowthLoop will remove users from your audience that no longer qualify and add newly qualified users.
- Find your exported audiences in Audience Experience Platform.
- When you create a campaign in Audience Experience Platform, you can select from your existing list of audiences for targeting.
Common use cases for
Adobe Experience Platform
See how leading companies use Flywheel with
Adobe Experience Platform
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Supercharge your favorite marketing and sales tools with intelligent customer audiences built in BigQuery, Snowflake, or Redshift.