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Why GrowthLoop

Why I Joined Flywheel?

Matthew Kantor

Matthew Kantor

I’ve been at Flywheel for a year now, and I can say without any doubt it’s the most well run company I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.  I’ve worked for some good companies in my over 20 years in tech, but the team here has nailed it.  I love coming to work every day, and my experience is that the rest of the team does as well.  We’re not handing out candy or free trips to Fiji, but we are operating a great organization. What makes it great, you ask?

  1. We’re Transparent.  While I’ve worked in organizations in the past where CEOs overshared, this is the first time its been purposeful, and with a clear agenda to align every single person in the organization.  The CEOs review everything with us weekly, and sometimes more frequently as needed.  This has a few side effects: it ensures everyone knows why the company makes decisions, and includes everyone in that process, either as observers or participants.  There is no back-chatter or private messaging about why this or that happened.  Everyone knows and respects the direction. Why?
  2. Because we’re Pragmatic.   We don’t make our decisions based on emotions.  We don’t choose technology because it’s “cool cutting edge”.  We work to decide on the best way to get the job done.  We come to work thinking about how to make things better, not for our own personal sake but for the sake of the systems being the best they can be.  We use simple things instead of fancy things.  And we learn how to push the envelope on simple things, and we go deep on those products when we choose for our platform.     This leads to…
  3. Real Innovation.  Innovation doesn’t often come from sitting in a room thinking, especially not in small companies.  It comes from pushing boundaries which don’t move, and even push against you.  Flywheel has always approached our problem solving not by throwing money around, but by learning how things work and making them better.  We scale by working around problems using our minds. This comes from the idea that…
  4. We are Values driven.  The focus at Flywheel, regardless of size, scale, or revenue has not changed nor will it.  We are focused on building a sustainable organization leveraging the values and principles that got us this far.  Our values are not just about moving fast with purpose, but also making sure we are having a great amount of fun doing it.  This means we have to…
  5. take the Consultative approach in everything that we do. We show potential customers that we are here to partner with them first and foremost, not just sell them a product. We work with our customers on their timelines.  We can’t get there unless we ….
  6. Stay Helpful and humble.   We’re not competing against each other, but against other companies. Every day we focus on helping one another to overcome issues, improve our skills, and make our platform great.  We are serious and ambitious, but we are softies at the end of the day. We have each other’s back and will drop everything to help a teammate in need, even if the task is out of our wheelhouse….which is easy because…
  7. We don’t live in wheelhouses.  Our teams are, for the most part, fluid.  You can work on a piece of the platform for a month and then move on to working on another piece or even between devOps and software engineering.  As we value the Learner’s Mindset, we use the squad model so everyone gets to sharpen their skills, constantly and work on new things and work with different people.   

And at the end of the day, and the end of the week, we go home, relax and recharge, focusing on our families, hobbies and whatever is important to us outside of work. Some of those weeks are only 4 days long.  

I joined Flywheel as a contractor, with the idea of going off and doing something on my own.  After six months at Flywheel, I realized I was having such a great experience, loving the people and the product, so I joined as a full time employee.  This was an excellent decision.  

If you want to work with me at Flywheel, send a note to  Or apply at

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