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Activate data from the warehouse to Google Ads in 5 minutes

Activate from your data warehouse to Google Ads in less than the time it takes to brew a cup of coffee.

Katharine Toll

Katharine Toll

Here at GrowthLoop, we know that your organization's data journey is a winding road. We often partner with companies that feel they've reached an impasse. They've collected the data. They've organized the data. They've hired the engineers and invested in cloud storage. Yet despite doing all the "right things," they find themselves struggling to unlock the transformative growth potential of their data warehouse. At best, they've hit a bottleneck and aren't able to activate with optimal speed, precision and reach. At worst, all of that valuable information is collecting dust, locked behind an impenetrable layer of SQL.

That's where GrowthLoop comes in. We empower commercial teams to quickly activate customer data cross a wide range of destination platforms - no code required. Want to sync your data to a CRM platform? We've got you. Launch a TikTok campaign to target high spenders in New York City? No problem. Reactive churned customers with an email promotion? We aren't even breaking a sweat.

In this video, I'll walk you through the process of activating your customer data from your data warehouse to Google Ads in under five minutes. Because yes, we really are that fast. And yes, it really is that simple.

🚨 Bonus Platforms Alert 🚨 Any audience exported to Google Ads can be activated across Google Search, Google Display, Google Video, Google Shopping, and Youtube.

To summarize:

  1. Connect your data warehouse as a data source
  2. Set your Google Ads account as a destination
  3. Create a customer segment from your data warehouse
  4. Select your treatment and control split
  5. Export to Google Ads

That's it - you're done. Your audience will continue to update and export to Google Ads as long as you keep the sync enabled, giving you the ability to target customers across Google Search, Google Shopping,  Google Display, Google Video, and YouTube. We'll automatically add new users who fit your criteria, and remove those who don't. You can even track the incremental revenue driven by your treatment group using GrowthLoop's campaign evaluation feature.

Interested in other destinations? Check out the "Under 5 Minutes" videos in our Resources collection. Got questions? Reach out to We can't wait to hear from you!

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